Friday, June 10, 2016


Yup, we’re definitely back in Oshkosh as our calendar is filling up fast (too fast, as far as I’m concerned). I was getting used to and rather liking the less hectic schedule. However, it is so VERY good to see family and friends that we miss so much. I’m thinking, once everyone sees our new home, we won’t be quite as popular. J Please, feel free to give us a call and if we’re available, we’d love to have you see our place.

Life on the EAA grounds is sweet. Bill has settled in to his volunteering in the fabrication shop (part of EAA maintenance department) which is located less than a city block from our home lot. He already knew some of the guys there; in fact, when he owned his own business, he did some work for the fab shop. He pretty much works the paid staff hours, so his nights and weekends are free. (Free but so full!) We love seeing the emptiness of the EAA grounds, compared to what it looks like when AirVenture is in full swing. (For those of you not familiar with EAA or AirVenture, let me take a moment and enlighten you.)

The Experimental Aircraft Association is an international organization of aviation enthusiasts who promote and support recreational flying. Since its inception it has grown internationally with over 180,000 members and nearly 1,000 chapters worldwide. EAA is headquartered in Oshkosh and hosts the annual AirVenture Fly-In & Convention for one week in July. AirVenture is why we are here on the EAA grounds. To help prepare before, serve during, and tear down after. It is where EAA members and aviation enthusiasts totaling more than 500,000 from more than 60 countries descend on Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh and also includes an estimated 36,000 campers.  (For more info on EAA, check out their website…which is where I got these stats from as you probably have already guessed.)

When we first arrived I had fun exploring a small part of the 1600 acres of EAA land.  And we thought our yard was big on Ohio Street. J I found places I didn’t know existed…beautiful places. Come, walk with me and I’ll show you! Soon, I’ll figure out how to include pictures and I’ll show you some of the beauty God has created for our enjoyment here on the grounds of EAA. Thanks, Brooke, for showing me how to finally do this. 

I can’t believe we’ve been back in Oshkosh two weeks already. We’ve celebrated a dear friends 40th birthday, had dinner at my oldest sister’s, celebrated a grandson’s 7th birthday, my little buddy’s 4th birthday, been to a six year olds baseball game, a ten year olds soccer game, showed our place to several friends, moved more stuff from my sister’s place to our motorhome including all my card making stuff (thanks, Jessica, for your help), sorted through all our stuff that’s left at my sister’s(thanks, Nina), attended our Viet Nam Vets meeting,  had a cookout with our Life Group, and, of course, I’m still doing bookwork for His House and the Greenway House several hours a week… just to name a few of the things we’ve been doing.

To be honest, it’s been a bit overwhelming. In fact, I was a bit sad one day last week thinking about the simplicity of life “on the road” versus being back in Oshkosh and the flurry of activity that I, again, have to keep track of. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing all our friends and family, but I miss the simplicity of not having to think beyond, what to do TODAY. When life gets so busy, it is easy for me to get caught up with what’s next and miss enjoying the moment.  I’ve been praying a lot on that lately. Join me, will you?

But God (love those words) continues to bless us in small and big ways and for that I am very grateful! We now have a real chair, instead of the lawn chair, in our “living room.” We also found a kitchen cart that provides that extra counter space so desperately needed and it matches the décor beautifully.  We still love the motorhome living and all the nuances. Don’t miss the big house at all. Except, of course, when the threatening weather comes, I do miss having an underground basement to go to. But God is helping me with that also. I’ve learned to see those fears as taunts of the enemy, stealing my joy, and I claim victory over those fears in Jesus name. Speaking of our old house, we’ve been blessed to see on Facebook that the new owners are thoroughly enjoying the house and yard. That makes us both so very happy.  So much to be thankful for all day, every day.

One main project left to complete in our transition to this new lifestyle is clearing out my sister’s condo, moving the last of what’s needed into the motorhome, having another sale, and putting a few cherished belongings into storage. Anyone have a garage we could “borrow” in mid-July to set up a household sale? My sister’s condo association doesn’t allow sales and we’re trying to figure out what the best course of action would be. We’re also considering Craigslist sales and/or donating to those who could use a helping hand. Trusting and waiting on God to guide us.

Being that we’ll be parked in Oshkosh throughout the summer, I doubt very much that we’ll be making any road trips in the motorhome during this time, so there may not be much to tell. I’m hoping I’ll have some exciting God stories or new adventures to share as we continue our journey, for now, here in Oshkosh, but like us, you’ll just have to wait and see what God has in store. I’ll write again, just not sure when; only God knows. You all have a great summer!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fantastic and easy to understand why you didn't have time to talk. Blessings as you transition.
