Saturday, March 12, 2016

When it Rains, It Pours (Blessings)

“Rain, rain, go away; come again, another day.” My oh my, has that phrase been running through my head this morning (Friday, 3/11). The amazing thing though, is that I don’t really mind it all that much. I’m enjoying my new home. It may be small, but it has everything we need. Hallelujah & Praise the Lord! Not one thread of regret or second guessing. Peace, peace, wonderful peace. (Thank you, Lord, for the peace that we heard you right.)

So I ended my story with the unexpected delight of being at the Scottsville Nazarene Camp & Conference Center which is located in the northeast corner of rain-soaked Texas in a tiny town called Scottsville. Gives the name of the camp some meaning, don’t ya know.

It was our intent, after our visit with Jenna (our niece), Tim, and family, that we would head towards Gulfport MS, so Bill could show me the sights and sounds of the Gulf Coast where he spent his time in the military when not serving in Viet Nam. Who knew this was right on the way to, our now good friends, the Munsons (previous owners of our home), March work project. Did I mention that they are part of the group of Christian workers that we are wanting to partner with? Well they, once again, reached out to us and encouraged us to join them for a few days to get a taste of the volunteer life on wheels. Love the way God answers prayers that we didn’t even articulate. A taste of our life to come. Thank you, Lord!

We arrived at the camp mid-afternoon on Tuesday (3/8). Rained most of the way; even had a thunderstorm warning with the possibility of tornados alert on the radio as we were travelling. Prayers ascending that we weren’t travelling into anything dangerous. I recommend knowing what counties you are passing through especially when driving in unpredictable weather; we had no idea how close this warning area was to us. Breathe, Share, breathe. Pray, Share, pray. Hallelujah…we made it safe and sound to the camp.

Grateful to Bill Munson, once again, for his expertise with a 40 ft motor home. He directed Bill as he backed onto a rather wet grassy area. I stood nearby soaking in all the rain and all the ins and outs of properly and safely parking a motor home. I’m thinking this rain was actually a blessing from above so we both had some guided experience in parking the motor home on a grassy area in the rain. Little did I know that the rain would continue for the rest of the week.  

Okay enough about all the rain. We’re here! We’re actually here. We’re getting a taste of our new life. There are four couples all together plus us (Bill & Jean aka Loral, Art & Tamara, Sue & John, Elmyra & Bob). The plan was to rebuild one of the cabins that had deteriorated. But, sorry, I have to mention it again…the rain forced them to find other projects indoors.

I helped the ladies redecorate the dining hall; switching from Valentine’s Day to Spring Time. I mostly undecorated and washed tables. Enjoyed it tremendously. For real! Also got to help in the kitchen Friday night. I was asked to put frozen pieces of chocolate chip cookie dough on sheets for baking. Do they know who they’re dealing with? Oh my, the restraint it took. But then, the delightful cook, Brenda, said she loved the dough and invited me to split one with her. I call these simple sweet moments, “kisses from heaven.” 

With all the rain (just can’t seem to get away from that topic, it’s been unreal), we spent a lot more time in our rig (love that word…which I have expanded to mean Righteous in God).  If anyone has any other suggestions for those initials, I’d love to hear them. So the time in the rig was well spent, in fact, quite necessary as, unlike Bill, I’m only semi-retired and had some bookkeeping to get done for His House Christian Fellowship. It’s been interesting working out all those details. Back on Ohio, I had my home office with three desks, at HQ (His House office) I had two. Now I have a small kitchen table and a ledge that fits my printer perfectly. It’s an adjustment, but once again, God is so faithful, and I actually like my new set up. Thanks to Perry B for having a portable printer available which Bill picked up the day before we left…it has been wonderful. There are so many little Godincidences (That’s coincidences with God in the lead), I can’t begin to share them all. Just know, He’s taking good care of us and blessing us above and beyond.

I feel like I’m all over the place on this post. It’s all so new. There’s so much to tell. Yes, probably more than some want to hear. But, those of you who know me well…I have a hard time saying anything in just a few words. I can’t wait until my posts actually get posted as they happen instead of days later. This unscheduled living is all so new to me I forget what I’ve done and what still needs doing. So with that said, I’m going to sign off of this post and immediately begin another as we are at this moment making our way to Gulfport MS. 


  1. Share, I love the sentence "Not one thread of regret or second guessing" I am so happy and relieved about that. Your blog entries are great and I love all the details. Praying God's continued blessings for you both!

  2. Share, I love the sentence "Not one thread of regret or second guessing" I am so happy and relieved about that. Your blog entries are great and I love all the details. Praying God's continued blessings for you both!
